Tuesday, January 15, 2008

More Risks Than Shark Infested Custard

Given that nearly a year ago we moved house, it is also nearly time to renew our house insurance.  Sure enough a reminder arrived from our broker with a quote for the upcoming twelve months.  Looking it through it seemed a reasonable price, but since there are so many adverts at the moment offering a third off or free contents insurance if you have buildings cover I thought I would shop around.
I found several quotes that were close to the one offered by our broker, slightly higher (a few pounds) but offering a greater level of cover.  Given that we would rather be slightly over insured that under insured, I phoned our agent to give them an opportunity to match the quotes. 
They seemed reluctant to do anything.  I explained that our particular concern was with our buildings cover, and wasn't prepared to proceed without at least increasing that.  I also asked for an up-to-date policy booklet so that I could see exactly what we were buying.  I'm not sure whether or not I will see that.
I'll wait and see what they send out, if anything, but I won't be holding my breath!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Don't read the booklet. Or read EVERY booklet. In any case, every booklet you read will tell you that what you are paying for is worthless and yes, they will protect your home unless [insert something you do all the time here].

It's always a mess with insurance, but it's just the booklet. I've read the booklet for my car insurance and every time I do, I think "Fuck, these people are never ever paying for anything that ever happens to me" and yet, every time I've had an accident, they've always come through for me - with flying colours, i might add, people ENVY our car insurance and ask us who we have it with, that's how good it's gone. ING, by the way, not that they exist over in the UK, do they? -, and so I avoid reading the booklet.

Talk to an agent. That's always best.