Sunday, December 18, 2011

Books of 2011 # 14 - Savage Run by C J Box

Another entry for C J Box in my top thirty-one of 2011.

Savage RunSavage Run by C.J. Box
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second Joe Pickett novel and the series is getting stronger.

The series is set in some amazing scenic backcountry, and Joe Pickett is a pleasantly flawed lead character. Unlike many flawed heroes in crime novels, Joe is just human. He's mucked up a few times, but he believes in what he does.

Although I enjoyed the story, there was an element of predictability about it, but not so much that the overall story suffered, I think I would just rather have known a little less about what was going on in the background and therefore the way the story unfolded would have been a little less obvious.

The strengths of this series; the backcountry and Joe Pickett mean that I'll be returning to it again soon, for the third instalment

View all my reviews

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