Sunday, September 06, 2009

Tweets for Today

  • 08:22 Time to walk the dog then feed the birds then possibly play #batmanarkhamasylum #
  • 08:32 Don't miss "Last Chance To See" with @stephenfry and mark carwardine tonight BBC2 2000hrs BST #
  • 08:35 Don't miss "Last Chance To See" with @stephenfry and mark carwardine tonight BBC2 2000hrs BST #lastchancetosee #
  • 09:48 Just realised that one of the books I read during our last holiday is all about where we are going this holiday #
  • 09:51 Just made a coffee following instructions given in one of @documentally 's audioboos from last week and can taste the difference #
  • 09:55 PS3 has just updated it's software for a new look. Now time to play #batmanarkhamasylum #
  • 10:54 RT: @Danny_DiVito I'm gonna try follow my initial followers but only if you tell ppl to follow me. I need a fuckin beer. #
  • 11:31 RT: @EmmaK67 Hang tight on following @Danny_Divito peeps. He's spelling his name wrong and he's not validated #
  • 15:29 Sitting reading and watching the birds in the garden #
  • 17:08 12seconds - 12seconds Wazzup #
  • 17:26 I uplo aded a YouTube video -- The Weekends Are Just Too Short #
  • 17:56 @willkay Damn, and still no sound the second time I tried. Will try something else #
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